Saturday, July 21, 2007

Catch 22

Who ever flagged my Blog be sure to check back. It only gets better

You will get your information. The pictures of Ames research station that you would not believe. I'm sure he was good friends with my Grandfather.

We make it look good. Was he was trying to bug Russian Spy satellites in the 50's ?

My dad needed a train to take the crap off of the Cimmeron after the war. He's still alive come and arrest him.

The following picture is from the Cheif radio operator of this ship in world war 1.

The radio Transmitter of of this ship was installed in my grandfathers house.

I guess they had the CIA back then or something like it.

A German Scientist lived in my grandfathers house. My Grandfather was the chief radio operator for New England Telephone. Check the records of Harvard RADIO SCHOOL AND WHO ATTENDED Edisons Forum held in New Jersey.

The people invited where the top electrical scientist of that time.

He Just happened to bring along a friend from Germany.


Anonymous said...

Hi Charlie,

Karen here, nice site. Sounds like you have some really smart people in your family. Have a nice week.

Charles Duffy said...

No smarter than me or you. That is the best part of it all. I'll call it bookworms to bullshitters.

In any event, life is not what you may think when it comes to money power, corporate persuasion and Government that go hand in hand. Lately they are not too smart.

Charles Duffy said...

I moved machine guns off a Naval base. Should I have said Stole them?

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